Tuesday, April 29, 2014

An Historical view in Tula, Russia

Tula is an industrial city located almost 200 kilometres south of Moscow.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to identify this building, which is still standing and in use. The caption on the back of the card is covered in a label.
I received this via Postcrossing and have to salute them.  It came without it's identifying number which meant I couldn't register it as received, so the sender wouldn't get credit.  I notified Postcrossing and within and hour or so, they had found the details and were able to send me the registration number.  Excellent service. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

St. Paul Basilika, Belgium

The sender of this card tells me that the St. Paul Basilika  in Liege, Belgium, became the Cathedral after the destruction of the St. Lambertus Cathedral during the French Revolutlion in 1789.

Friday, April 25, 2014

The Streets of Leipzig

When I was at university, I studied environmental studies and geography.  One of my specialties was mapping.  At that point, digital maps were still in their infancy, almost all maps were still made manually.  Even though I don't work in that field, I still maintain a passion for nicely made maps.  This one from Leipzig is beautiful.  A good use of colour, clear lines, and the name placement is exceptionally well done.  I hate it when names are placed up side down.  A traveller could easily use this postcard for navigating in this area.
Every spring, Leipzig hosts a huge book fair.  That is something I would love to attend.
For more postal fun, visit with Beth at The Best Hearts are Crunchy for her Postcard Friendship Friday post.  She invites you to add a link to your current postcard post.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

From the Sunbaked Island of Crete

Crete is the largest of the Greek Islands.  According to the sender of this card, the most famous attraction is the Knossos Palace.  This is definitely one of the places I intend to visit. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Coffee with a friend

The message on this card from Finland says "Happiness is a full coffee-pot and good friends".  How true it is regardless of where you are situated.

 from Pelargonia Press

Friday, April 11, 2014

Unexpected Thoughtfulness

During February when I participated in A Month of Letters, I sent out approximately 50 postcards.  Quite a few of these were to members of Postcrossing.  In March I started to receive my responses.  One of the first ones to arrive was this very thoughtful one from the Netherlands.  The sender had gone out of her way, and to extra expense to specially order this custom card for me.  She read from my profile that I have an affection for all things kiwi/New Zealand. 

This card is gorgeous.  Full colour and glossy.  It is from a company called greetz.com

It was mailed with this special postage stamp.
I was so pleased by this card, that I contacted the sender and said that I would like to send her a special card.  I saw on her profile that she collected cards depicting horses.  I had one that I was saving for such an occasion.  Perfect.  I sent her the following card in return.
I bought this when I visited Calgary, Alberta several years ago.  If you like horses, the Calgary Stampede is certainly the place to be.  The world's largest outdoor show.
It wasn't long before another card landed in my mail box.  This is truly a magic card.
This card is also from greetz.com .  Go to their website and enter the search term: magic. My family  had lots of discussions of how this card was made, but in the end, I decided that it truly was made with magic.
For more postal fun, be sure to visit with Beth at the Best Hearts are Crunchy for her weekly Postcard FriendShip Friday.